Wednesday, November 4, 2015

18 weeks and counting

IT's funny.  When I was pregnant with Kody, I was almost afraid to be pregnant.  I did not buy ANYTHING for him until I was around 30 weeks along, and even then, it was just a Mickey receiving blanket from the Disney Store.  I was so fortunate that I had several showers from my parents/inlaws/barn/friend, and received literally EVERYTHING I needed for him.  This time, I'm not counting on getting ANYTHING from anyone; I'm planning to get everything I need myself.  This necessitates planning early, and buying when I can!

Already, I've amassed a few hundred diapers in a size 1, and I'm starting on the size 2's.  I LOVE Pampers because they just smell so divine, so on approximately every third Target trip, I pick up a box.  We picked up a Graco Pack n' Play a few weeks ago since we only have a 2 BR, baby will be in our room until we move (about 3 months).  Today, I  got my beloved rocking chair!  I LOVED my glider that I had when Kody was born, but once he got  bigger/older, we just sort of shoved it out of the way in our bedroom.  About a year before we moved out of GA, we let a pastor borrow it for his church, and when we asked for it back, we got the runaround and never got it back :(  So when I found out I was pregnant, I immediately began nagging to get another one.

David's shopping for Broncos team wear.  OH!  Yeah, right, we found out the gender today ;)  Colton Maverick will be making his appearance some time the last week of March/first week of April.   Kody's happy he gets a brother, and I'm happy because I know boys.  I know what to expect; I'm THRILLED to be having another boy; I was genuinely afraid that if it was a girl I'd feel a little bit of disappointment.  Fortunately, I don't have to find that out!

Got the usual array of tests to have done soon; the glucose test in 2 weeks, the "official, big" ultrasound in 2 weeks ... I opted against the battery of genetic testing that UC Davis feels is necessary for women 35+.  I'm 36, not 46; it's not like I'm an ancient relic having a baby.  Excited to move ahead, excited to see my sister when she gets to come and visit/be my doula, excited to have 8 weeks off from work, lol.  I'll continue the updates as they happen!

PS, if you ever get the opportunity to watch a sunrise over Lake Tahoe, TAKE IT!  We got up at 3 am on Saturday to take pics and watch the amazing beauty of the sun coming up behind the Sierras.  It was so breathtaking, AND we saw a WOLF!  It was like totally unreal.  Wish we'd been able to snap a pic of it.  Next time we'll have the camera out and waiting :)


  1. This is so beautifully said, I am so excited for you all. Can't wait to you get home can't wait to you I'll come home. Now don't buy too much because I am going to buy some stuff as well! This mama inlaw is very excited, can't wait to hold little Colton in my arms.

  2. I can't believe it has been 18 weeks already!
    We miss you!

  3. YAY! So excited for Baby Colton to be here!! Love getting to read these updates :) Praying for you and the family!
