Monday, June 24, 2013

Epic Awesomeness

I want to talk about this whole moving thing for a moment.  I'm not going to lie.  Since around ... Halloween of last year maybe, I've been in a weird place emotionally.  I don't know why.  Hormones?  Dissatisfaction with my life?  Depression?  I don't know.  I have NEVER been unhappy in my marriage.  Unhappy with finances, yes.  It's hard to make a living as an independent contractor when you don't work 24/7 at your business.  I have no desire to live, eat, breath, and make my job my entire life.  When I come home to my family ... I want to come home to my family!  So in the last few years, business has really dropped off and it's been impossible to pay my bills on time.  I HATE that.  It's stressful, and has probably built up and built up to the point that I snapped, I guess you could say.  My weird emotional place was not helped by a huge blow out with someone that was one of my best friends, and I just started to feel sorry for myself, feeling in general unloved, unappreciated, and just burnt out.  Even with my own PARENTS ... we had a huge fight at Thanksgiving, what the HECK was going on?

The hubs and I went on our west coast trip last Spring Break, and it was the Best Time Ever.  We enjoyed it more than anything we've done!  It was so wonderful.  Around January, after all the fights with friends and family ... and the struggling to make ends meet ... we began to talk about actually moving to the West Coast. I've tried multiple times over the past few years to pick up a part time job in addition to my teaching to try and supplement our income, but it was impossible with my schedule.  And just to QUIT, to walk away from Joyce, and my teaching job I've had for 10 years with all my amazing clients ... seemed wrong.  And in a weird way, I began to feel "trapped" in my life.  On one hand, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my life.  Great hours, great kids, doing what I love.  But on the other hand, there was stress and uncertainty not only with money concerns, but with keeping my job in general!  People have NO idea the roller coaster I've ridden over the time I've done what I do, and I'm just ready to get off, really.  So, I am!  Go big or go home, that's always been my motto.  If I'm going to take the step to walk away from a life I've built for myself, a business that even though was dwindling, was filled with LOYAL and long time clients, and my first home that I've even owned ... I am going to do it in a BIG way.  My husband and I are so excited to turn this page, and to basically start over in a completely new place, on the other side of the country.  Is it crazy?  YES!  But everything is falling into place.  God works in such mysterious ways, and he put this seed in our minds to plant, and water, and now to watch it grow.  I need to be a CA resident for a year before I'm considered a resident, so I plan to enroll in UC Davis next year and go to nursing school.  I'm planning to work as a pharmacy tech starting out, that's one of the jobs I've tried to get over the years, but it's never worked out.  I do NOT plan to teach right now.  MAYBE the opportunity will arise again to get back into it; but STRICTLY on a part time basis.  An extra money type of thing, if you will.  I refuse to count on contracting out in any way to pay my bills ever again.  "Real", steady, and non 1099 jobs pay the bills better.  They may pay a little bit less initially, but the steady never changing income and the tax refund makes it all worth it!

So, there it is.  The "WHY?".  Lots of people have asked, genuinely trying to understand.  It's so hard to explain, I hope I've done an ok job of it.  At the end of the day, this is absolutely a walk of faith.  I am trusting in God to guide this path we're taking, and I believe this will further strengthen my marriage and relieve some of the stress because I believe with ALL my heart and soul our job situation is going to be amazing.  What they will end up being in the long run, I don't know, but I believe our life is going to improve beyond even OUR wildest dreams!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Liebster blog award!

It feels so nice to have someone say nice things about the innermost workings of your mind:)  Both this blog and my horse one are pretty much random musings and things going on in my life, but I find reality shows interesting!  So my blogs are a way to have my OWN reality show that's actually ... based in reality;)

Aofie at the Pampered Ponies blog gave me this.  I am honored!  Thank you for validating the posting of this whole, crazy journey I'm on.  If I help/inspire just ONE person, I feel great about that.  Here's the link to her blog,


HOW TO ACCEPT THE AWARD: The Liebster Blog Award is a way to recognize blogs who have less than 200 followers.  Liebster is a German word that means beloved and valued.  Here are the rules for accepting the award:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and include a link back to their blog.
  2. List 11 random facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
  4. Create 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate.
  5. Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or fewer followers to nominate and include links to their blogs.
  6. Go to each blogger's page and let them know you have nominated them.
11 Random facts about me:

1.  I love tattoos.  A lot.  I would have both arms and legs covered if I had the $$.  Oh, and if my husband would let me!
2.  I love NASCAR.  Jimmie Johnson, #48 Lowes Racing car is my favorite driver.  He rocks!
3.  I'm a dog person.  Cats are ok, but dogs make me smile!
4.  I am born and raised in the great state of GA.  My husband and I are about to move 3000 miles away to CA.  Holy freaking out, Batman!
5.  I have one kid and I'm totally happy about that.  I'd always planned to have 2, but just never had the desire to take the plunge once the one kiddo was here.  He's my reason for getting up every day and working as hard as I do!
6.  I got married at 20.  I don't recommend it for everyone, but fortunately it worked for ME.  I'm celebrating 14 years of marriage the DAY before we leave for CA.  What a gift!
7.  I'm obsessed with the West Coast.  Guess that's a big reason as to why we're moving there in a week!
8.  I'm not a great photographer, and find fancy pants cameras painfully boring to try and operate.  Give me my iPhone camera any day!
9.  I regularly go out and about with no makeup on.  I mean NONE.  When I do put some on, people tend not to recognize me, lol!
10.  I'm kind of addicted to the "Real Housewives" franchises.  Except for Atl, which is ironic since I live there.
11.  Sadly, I'm pretty disorganized.  Trying to work on that, though!

11 questions for me:

1. What's your earliest horse-related memory and have you photographs from the early days to share? (Please say yes & post them!)
My earliest horse related memory is of climbing into the saddle for the FIRST time, and my instructor saying, "Now, this is going to feel weird!  Hold on!"  From that moment on, I was addicted.  ONE pic, and this is the very first horse show I got to ride in!
Me and Chance.  Maybe ... 11 years old?

2. What did you have for lunch today?
Warmed up mexican casserole from last night!  Yummy ...

3. Have you any pets? If yes names & info please ;-)
YES!  Peytan, a 6 year old Siberian Husky female, and Jacey, a 3 year old tan and white Chihuahua mix, female also.

4. Who is your sporting hero/idol?
I suppose that would be Jimmie Johnson.  Not only is he a first class driver, he's also a humanitarian and a gentleman.

5. Have you ever ridden a horse on a beach/in the sea?
YES!  Hilton Head SC, took a trail ride on the beach.  We couldn't go faster than a walk, but I was walking in the water which was pretty cool!

6. Do you live to work or work to live?
Work to live, for sure.

7. Have you traveled to other countries? If yes, which ones? 
Yep!  Done lots of cruises, so gone to many of the Caribbean islands.  St. Lucia, St. Maarten, Barbados, Belize, the Bahamas, Mexico, Panama, Grand Cayman, and Jamaica are a few of them.  I've also been to Australia and New Zealand which was AMAZING.

8. Do you listen to music while you ride? Mp3 with personal music or radio?
I do not.  I don't like to ride with my phone in my pocket, and I have never found ANY ear buds that will actually stay in my ears.  I mean ... none.

9. Have you read Fifty Shades of Grey? If not I suggest you check the link above for a good laugh.
I'm ashamed to say I have not read Fifty Shades:(

10. What was your first horse called? Tell us a bit about them, age/breed7disciplines worked on together...
My Horse Tiki that I bought 5 years ago was my FIRST one.  He was named Roy's Legacy, I renamed him Ricochet ... we began in the sport of Jumpers and ended up learning to event together.  He is 10 years old, and hopefully will go home with his new 12 year old child this weekend ...

11. What's your favourite song on the radio at the moment?
Hmmm.  Got to be "Reckless", by Jeremy Camp:)

11 questions from me:

1.  When you ride, do you cross train disciplines?  Meaning, have you ever slapped a western saddle on your hunter?  Taken your eventer to the hunter ring?  Done a dressage show with your endurance Arab?  
2.  TV watcher or no?
3.  Smart phone, or not smart phone?
4.  Are you a neat freak?  Or does a little dust on the picture frames not bother you?
5.  If you could live ANYWHERE in the entire world, where would it be?
6.  If you had an hour of down time... would you take a nap, or go for a run?
7.  Do you color your hair?  Why or why not?
8.  Other than horses ... what would you consider your favorite activity?  Or hobby?
9.  Would you flat out gallop your horse in an open field?  Have you?
10.  Do you care if you're watching HD TV?  Or is it just your SO that cares?  Or do NEITHER of you care?
11.  Can you drive a trailer?  Are you comfortable doing it, or does it make your palms sweat?

11 nominees for the Liebster award!
(I will have to finish this tomorrow.  My google stuff makes me sign out to sign in, and blah blah.)

11 blogs I give the Liebster award to!
1.  Amanda at
2.  Amy at
3.  Alighieri at
4.  Suzanne at
5.  Cheri at
6.  Nicole at
7.  Suzie at
8.  Holly at
9.  Jennifer at
10.  Stacey at
11.  And finally, BAD EVENTER! 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Really great blog articles!

Though things are beginning to feel a little flabby, the OLD me is a thing of the past!  Pic taken a year ago

So, I wrote a GREAT blog this morning ... in my head ;)  By the time I roll on home after working for 13 hours, the smooth words, seamless flow, and highly entertaining prose is gone.

I've got a lot of stuff going on in my head!  I haven't really had a burning desire to get it all out necessarily, which is why I've been a little bit quiet as of late.  Something that's been starting to bother me a little bit is the fact that I need to get fit ... again.  The good news, is I am NOT "fat".  I donated ALL of my "fat" clothes, and everything I have purchased in the past year fits perfectly still.  No, what I'm feeling is a loss of muscle tone.  While my SIZE is still smile inducing, the flab is beginning to come back.  I promised myself I would stay in tune, and keep on top of any weight gain.  I haven't done much in the way of exercise beyond my usual stall cleaning because 3 weeks ago, I went from running 4 1/2 miles in a week to running 12 miles in a week.  I did that 2 weeks in a row.  Not surprisingly, I began to get not only a twinge in my knee, but also an ache in my ankle.  Right knee, left ankle.  Ooops.

So, I took a week off.  Then 1 went to 2.  Then summer camp happened, and I'm up at 4:00, to Joyce's by 5:00, to Patchwork by 9:30, then home around 7:30.  So now, 2 weeks has become 3, and this is the beginning of week 4 with no exercise.  I've still been making decent food choices; I eat a sandwich with only one slice of bread, I drink LOTS of water, I'm still sworn off sweet tea and sodas, but I do eat dessert.  Every night.  And sometimes after lunch.  I've recently forced myself to eat a 'fake brownie' for my lunch dessert (the Kashi chocolate squares), and a serving size of no sugar added blue bell ice cream with some extra Andes candies crumpled on top.  So I'm eating too much bread.  I still have my Cheerios every morning, but I've added a slice of sourdough toast, AND a banana.  It's the super, crazy, early morning.  Banana on the way to barn #1, toast and cereal on the way to barn #2.

I'm actually quite sore today.  I'm teaching Advanced horse camp, and my assistant is doing 15-20 minutes of yoga, and then I'm doing about 15-20 minutes of Insanity.  I've pulled the easier exercises from 'Core Cardio and Balance', and we're knocking them out every morning!  So that's something.  Next week is my final week as a riding instructor.  The week after will be a whirl wind of packing.  Then the 5 days following will be our epic journey across the US.  11 states!  I have a job interview tomorrow, thank you Jesus.  I have someone looking at Tiki Saturday, please pray that goes well for me.  Pray even HARDER I win the Mega Millions tonight instead, because chances are if I know you, you'll benefit from it;)  Look for blog posts detailing our epic move to Cali!  You all will be dealing with picture overload:)  God bless!!