Thursday, November 28, 2013

A season of firsts

Home made carrot cake!  Icing and all :)
Well, my family and I were out of town for Thanksgiving this year ... WAY out of town!  We called everybody and talked to them, but I'm sure they'll tell you it's not the same.  It was weird with it just being the 3 of us, but it was nice too.  We stayed in our pj's all day :)  I had cooked some stuff yesterday, but still spent plenty of time in the kitchen today as well.

Our menu this year included a Honeybaked Ham, potato salad, sweet potato casserole (with brown sugar and pecans), stuffing, gravy, and homemade mac and cheese.  My husband likes these meatballs my mom makes, with grape jelly and BBQ sauce, so I made those as an appetizer.  I was determined that just because we were "alone", that didn't mean we weren't going to eat well :)  I made the peanut butter cookies with a hershey's kiss in the center, chocolate chip cookies, a pecan pie and my first attempt at a homemade carrot cake.  So LOTS of yummy sweets!  Haha, time to get back on the diet bandwagon again first thing in the morning!  No, seriously ... not even gonna post a pic because I can PROMISE you I have not lost one single pound in the last 25 days.  I was on the Insanity bandwagon GREAT last week, and then I got the Black Plague of Death and TRIED to keep working out.  I did the T25 stretch which is AMAZING, then the Insanity Recovery workout, then the stretch again and then just decided to take the week off.  I am STILL not well, it's been about 10 days and I'm still coughing crap up. :(  My throat is sore, my nose is sore from blowing it so much and I have that constant annoying drainage that JUST won't quit.  Not going to worry about working out until Monday since Insanity is a 6 day program and I like having Sundays off, but I am going cold turkey on the food thing.  I ate EXACTLY what I wanted to today; didn't stuff myself silly, but didn't deny either.

No matter, I feel just fine about myself.  I know I was strong enough to lose 45 lbs, I'm strong enough to knock the 15 or so lbs I've gained back off again.  I have worked out a deal to take some riding lessons from a local trainer, AND I'm doing a "test ride" on Saturday to see about me riding a person's horse once or twice a week because she just doesn't have the time to ride a whole bunch.  I'm SO happy about that, because even though riding isn't enough by itself, it's definitely a step in the right direction OUT of the whole sedentary thing.  I'm thankful to have been presented these opportunities and I intend to make the most of them!

I hope all y'all had a great Thanksgiving, and remember to be thankful EVERY day.  Remember, the key to happiness is contentment, and in order to be content you have to WORK at it.  The holiday season tends to bring out both the best and worst in people; always strive to be at your best and keep a positive attitude.

Monday, November 25, 2013

The magic of being happy!

This week's motivational seminar is brought to you by ... haha.  Happiness.  Most of the time, I have it.  Occasionally, I don't.  Fortunately, the "don'ts" are few and far between.  The key to happiness is contentment.  When you're content, you're happy.  The Bible shows us many, many examples of how to have contentment in your life.  Whether you "believe" or not, you can't deny that some things are self-evident.  When you do them, you WILL be happy :)

1.  Being content is NOT complaining.  We all complain.  ALL of us, every now and then.  Some of us ... we complain every day.  It's SO easy in this land of instant gratification that when our phone is slow ... we slam the phone on the table and complain about how old and slow our phone is, or the stupid AT&T network, or ... you get the picture.  Instead of complaining how the potatoes are cold, instead be grateful you have a full belly and food on your table!  Change your perspective.

2.  Being content is NOT coveting.  We can't help it.  Sometimes, envy creeps in.  Our neighbor has a new car, or a new purse, or a new baby, or a new computer, or a new ... you understand, right?  Just because they have something you think you want doesn't mean they're happy!  Look to your OWN life and remember to have an "attitude of gratitude".

3.  Being content is NOT normal or natural.  What?  Scratching your head at this one?  It is natural to be jealous!  It is natural to covet others.  It is NOT natural to be content and happy.  You have to TEACH yourself how to be content.  When you change the way you LIVE you will change the way you FEEL.  YOU have to have control over your "thought life".  When you sit on the computer and shop for all the things you know you can't afford, does that make you happy?  Stop allowing yourself to think negatively.

4.  Being content is NOT circumstantial.  Your circumstances are ALWAYS changing.  You can't sit there and think "When A, B, and C happen for me, THEN I'll FINALLY be happy.  Life is cyclical.  When one problem resolves itself, another one pops up.  You are NEVER living a life 100% free of drama or problems.  Your happiness cannot depend on whether you have money in the bank, or you're having a good hair day.  You must learn to be content in ANY situation.

5.  Being content is NOT complacency.  You shouldn't be content with mediocrity.  You should ALWAYS strive to be better in character, in your faith, in your role as father/mother/daughter/son/etc.  Don't strive to improve your lot in life with a bigger car/faster phone/bigger TV/etc.  Strive to give more/volunteer/mentor/etc.

There ya go.  Happy Thanksgiving!  I haven't participated in the "happiness" challenge on facebook because I attempt to be happy and thankful EVERY day.  Sometimes I slip, and have a "poor, poor, pitiful me" day, but I don't save the month of November as my "Happy Month".  People have always told me they love how I'm always happy and "even keel".  It's because I TRY to be content despite my circumstances.  I always try to remember that no matter what's happening in my life, I (and my family) have my health.  I know so many people that suffer from health problems in addition to "life", and know that no matter how "bad" I perceive my life to be, it's NOT.  Just be grateful.  Be thankful.  I know I am!  Happy Thanksgiving y'all :)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The great transformation

The more I think about it, the more I believe we humans never really "Arrive".  The meaning of life is the journey we take, the constant molding and transforming of ourselves in the physical sense and in the spiritual sense.  Think about it!  How many times has your hairstyle changed?  Everything from our piercings/tattoos/hair/weight/plastic surgery ... is to make us FEEL something.  It's to express things we feel on the inside.  I certainly don't claim to know everything, or even CLOSE to everything, but I do feel it in my heart and soul that I am on the right path right now.  My mom can't really understand WHY California over Tennessee or Virginia.  I can't really explain it myself, just that I KNOW on a spiritual level that this is where I'm supposed to be right now in my life.  Maybe it was to bring our family in contact with Pastor Jimenez, I don't know!  All I DO know is we went 3 months with no jobs, all the time telling God that if he would just help us out, we'd find a church.  Well ... through a crazy round about way, we found a church and THEN the jobs came, BAM!  Me, then David in the space of a week.  Boggles my mind, still.

Sadly, David had to work today, but I feel moved to share this week's sermon.  I think it's one EVERYONE will be interested in:  Foolproof ways to have God answer your prayers.  What, did your ears perk up at that?  That's right, the Bible lays it all out in black and white HOW to have your prayers answered 100% of the time.  I have about 5 pages of notes, but I will paraphrase here:

First, you have to PRAY!  And I mean really connect and PRAY.  Second, you have to BELIEVE that your prayer can and will be answered.  If you pray with doubt in your heart, it will NOT happen.  Third, you have to pray in the NAME of Jesus.  By that, I mean you have to really truly connect and allow your heart to feel Him when you pray.  Fourth, you have to be asking for the right things.  Selfish, self serving prayers will go unanswered.  You have to pray within the wants of God.  Fifth, you have to BANISH the sins on your heart.  It's not hard; confess them to God!  Let go of all the "secret" sins that you hold onto, for if you don't you'll never have your prayers answered.  Sixth, you should share your faults with a Godly and righteous person, then ask them to pray with you.  This doesn't necessarily have to be your pastor, it can be an acquaintance that has the gift of the Holy Spirit.  "Faults" doesn't mean confessing your sins as if to a priest.  Simply get off your chest the things that you feel are burdening you!  There is power in group prayer!  Seventh, you need to make sure your life is Christ centered.  You can't be a child of the World, practicing Wiccan magic and going out and getting stoned every night and expect to just pray to God and have your prayers answered.  You have to live your life as an example to others.  Eighth, you must be PERSISTENT in your prayer.  Don't ask just once.  You can't give up, you must ask God for what you want over and over again until he answers you.  And finally, make sure you're right with your spouse.  If you and your spouse are in a hostile/bad relationship God will not hear you.  You have to fix what is wrong between you and your SO so you can be on the right track in your prayer life.

Like I said, serious paraphrase, but y'all get the general idea :)  For every single one of these points, there are 2 or 3 Bible verses backing them up.  It's so amazing the way Pastor Jimenez brings the Bible to light.  I went to Lifeway Christian store yesterday and finally bought a KJV bible.  I've had a NKJV for the past 20 years, and had no idea how it has subtly changed key words and phrases to have a TOTALLY different meaning than the "regular" KJV.  Like I said, I believe God has brought us to where we are right now for many different reasons, but the primary one is the spiritual growth we are experiencing.  Kody and I went alone today; that is the FIRST time I have EVER gone to church sans the hubby.  Makes me feel good!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Loving it

Want to go back here!  Sutro Baths, just outside San Fran

Just a few random thoughts for ye old blog before bed tonight.  Firstly, I am SO grateful and happy to be here.  I am enjoying this place, spending time with my boys, and focusing on "real" life SO much.  Not gonna lie; it has been HARD.  It took us so long to find jobs that we're still fighting money issues right now, but we're s   l   o   w   l   y   getting on track.  I'm trying to reach out and make some friends.  I almost made it to the ladies night church activity, but I allowed the long work day to be my excuse not to go.  I'm thinking about making the effort to get out and be social, hard as that is for me.

It's actually been a welcome break and a nice relief to step away from the horse world for a few months.  I honestly haven't thought much about them in the time we've been here.  I definitely don't miss the hustle and bustle of the WORK part of it, but I am starting to miss just the simplicity of BEING with horses and smelling/touching them.  I reached out to a local big name event trainer tonight to see if she minded if I stopped in to watch a lesson or 2.  I would like to slowly ease my way back into it, just watch some lessons, maybe find an event to volunteer at.  Then, maybe find a ride.  I'm not pushing anything, like I said, the break has been good for me.  When you own a horse, ALL your thoughts are obsessed on shows, money for lessons and clinics, new tack, shoes, vet bills, etc.  It's nice to not have to worry about that farrier bill or vet bill ... it's stressful!  And plus, I worked SO hard just to be able to (barely) afford my horse, it's so weird to work a 4 day week behind a desk; I feel like a slacker!

Great message on disciplining your kids at church today.  Makes me realize I can indeed take SOME credit for how awesome my child is, because even though his personality is amazing, my husband and I have NEVER allowed him to get away with anything.  From a young age, we had expectations of our son.  He has to clean his room, be respectful, sit still, and generally not be a heathen.  He is currently one of the most amazing, respectful, kind hearted, and awesome 11 year olds I know.  I'm glad we had the sense to set boundaries and have expectations back when he was 2, so now as he begins to transition to teenager, I'm confident he will not resort to sullen teenage boy antics.

Once again, I am having issues with a REALLY (bad) sore ab muscle.  I felt it in my obliques about a month ago; my side hurt so bad I literally would have gone to the emergency room if we'd had the money.  After about 3 days of pretty bad pain, I came to the conclusion that it was muscle strain, and I just took things REALLY easy.  This time, it's front and center, the top abs.  They HURT, and not in a good way.  DANG!  That's definitely the biggest disadvantage to moving from a very physical job to a desk job, and exercising every day.  I need to be more careful and do a longer warmup than I have been.  Strained muscles hurt! And they're counter productive; I don't feel like I can do my T-25 at all this week; I need to take the week off so I don't REALLY hurt myself :(  I'm actually thinking about breaking out the Insanity workout of "core cardio and balance", which is a normal length 43 minute Insanity workout, but one that's lower impact than even the typical T25 workout.  I think I will just do the T25 "stretch" video tomorrow, then try CC and B on Tuesday and see how I feel.  I've got skinny jeans to fit into!:)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Catching up!

Mt Lassen!

Well, I've been working on experiencing life the past 2 weeks, sorry I haven't blogged so much :)  Had quite a lot going on, so I've been fairly busy.  My awesome SIL Stef came out last week; it was amazing.  She was SO happy to be out here, I didn't get to pick her up at the airport, but I heard she cried when she saw David and Kody;)  Sadly, the Saturday she was here fell on a Saturday I had to work, so they got up SUPER early and drove south to LA for the day.  That was fine with me because I'm not all that enamored with So Cal.  I mean, I like San Diego, but that's about it.  I'm all about my gorgeous Nor Cal!  So, I worked (and had a HORRIBLE day), but on Sunday we got to go back to Lassen volcano, and we found us a new state park to go in with this AMAZING waterfall.  It was so darn beautiful, AND we got to hike a teeny little mile long trail, yay :)  Steffie  and the boys aren't so keen on hiking, so I was grateful the trail wasn't too intense for them.  From there, we went to Redding and walked through Turtle Bay and the Sundial bridge.

Kody got baptized today!  I'm so proud of him :)  He was ready to do it, and he was super excited about it.  Praise God!  I was actually quite disappointed to miss out on church last Sunday, but when Stef comes back over Christmas, she will be here a little over a week, so we will get to take her to church.  We just had so far to drive on Sunday, we couldn't fit it in.  Today was great, as usual.  We were talking about "once saved, always saved", but you should still live a "good" life because even though you may GO to heaven, if you don't live right you won't have much when you get there.  Interesting as always!

David's birthday was Friday, and we went to dinner last night out in Roseville where he works.  He works in a REALLY nice shopping center, and it was just awesome to spend some time enjoying the gorgeous weather and the great company.  We ate at a restaurant called the Yard House, and we fully enjoyed it.  Definitely on our list to go back to.  From there we went to the mall and wandered around a little bit, and today has just been church/chill day.  I went to the park and ran 6 miles again.  Boy, it was WINDY; gusts up to 30 mph.  My hands were FREEZING by the time I got home.  I ran a little further than last time.  2 weeks ago, I alternated walk/run each mile, so I ran 3/walked 3.  Today, I ran 3 in a row, walked one, then ran one, then walked the last so I actually ran 4/walked 2 yay me!

Ok, here's what I'm going to do.  I intend to post a pic of me in an outfit I want to look GOOD in.  My favorite jeans (when they fit) and a white t shirt.  My jeans are so tight they gave me an ugly muffin top.  So, to keep me accountable, I'm posting my pics of me in that outfit.  HOPEFULLY I will look better in it by next month.  It worked the first time, so hopefully it will work now.

Eww.  Nice muffin top!
Making those seams scream:(

Side never looks quite as bad

Alrighty then!  A month from now, that should look MUCH better.  I know myself.  I HAVE to have accountability.  Posting these pics holds me accountable.  When I don't do that, I don't care.  I do NOT want to be like a wonderful person I know.  She was pretty overweight, no big deal.  Went on a diet, lost SO much weight, she looked absolutely amazing; like a completely different person.  In fact, she was one of my inspirations for losing my weight!  Fast forward a year; I've lost 45 lbs and look so much better.  I see this person, and she's right back to where she was :(  She tells me, Hey!  You look great!  Don't be like me; I lost 60 lbs, then gained 80!  Sad.  I don't want to do that.  I got RID of all my fat clothes, I REFUSE to buy fat clothes again.  I know I may gain some, but I CAN and WILL lose it again.  The key is moderation, and awareness of the problem.  I have to jump on it as soon as I sense the weight creeping on (like now).  Small goals.  Keep active.  Cut the sugar (again).  Smaller portions.  I can do this, and I will do this!  Love y'all, will post again sooner than 2ish weeks, I promise.:)  Have a great week!