Monday, November 25, 2013

The magic of being happy!

This week's motivational seminar is brought to you by ... haha.  Happiness.  Most of the time, I have it.  Occasionally, I don't.  Fortunately, the "don'ts" are few and far between.  The key to happiness is contentment.  When you're content, you're happy.  The Bible shows us many, many examples of how to have contentment in your life.  Whether you "believe" or not, you can't deny that some things are self-evident.  When you do them, you WILL be happy :)

1.  Being content is NOT complaining.  We all complain.  ALL of us, every now and then.  Some of us ... we complain every day.  It's SO easy in this land of instant gratification that when our phone is slow ... we slam the phone on the table and complain about how old and slow our phone is, or the stupid AT&T network, or ... you get the picture.  Instead of complaining how the potatoes are cold, instead be grateful you have a full belly and food on your table!  Change your perspective.

2.  Being content is NOT coveting.  We can't help it.  Sometimes, envy creeps in.  Our neighbor has a new car, or a new purse, or a new baby, or a new computer, or a new ... you understand, right?  Just because they have something you think you want doesn't mean they're happy!  Look to your OWN life and remember to have an "attitude of gratitude".

3.  Being content is NOT normal or natural.  What?  Scratching your head at this one?  It is natural to be jealous!  It is natural to covet others.  It is NOT natural to be content and happy.  You have to TEACH yourself how to be content.  When you change the way you LIVE you will change the way you FEEL.  YOU have to have control over your "thought life".  When you sit on the computer and shop for all the things you know you can't afford, does that make you happy?  Stop allowing yourself to think negatively.

4.  Being content is NOT circumstantial.  Your circumstances are ALWAYS changing.  You can't sit there and think "When A, B, and C happen for me, THEN I'll FINALLY be happy.  Life is cyclical.  When one problem resolves itself, another one pops up.  You are NEVER living a life 100% free of drama or problems.  Your happiness cannot depend on whether you have money in the bank, or you're having a good hair day.  You must learn to be content in ANY situation.

5.  Being content is NOT complacency.  You shouldn't be content with mediocrity.  You should ALWAYS strive to be better in character, in your faith, in your role as father/mother/daughter/son/etc.  Don't strive to improve your lot in life with a bigger car/faster phone/bigger TV/etc.  Strive to give more/volunteer/mentor/etc.

There ya go.  Happy Thanksgiving!  I haven't participated in the "happiness" challenge on facebook because I attempt to be happy and thankful EVERY day.  Sometimes I slip, and have a "poor, poor, pitiful me" day, but I don't save the month of November as my "Happy Month".  People have always told me they love how I'm always happy and "even keel".  It's because I TRY to be content despite my circumstances.  I always try to remember that no matter what's happening in my life, I (and my family) have my health.  I know so many people that suffer from health problems in addition to "life", and know that no matter how "bad" I perceive my life to be, it's NOT.  Just be grateful.  Be thankful.  I know I am!  Happy Thanksgiving y'all :)

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