Sunday, November 17, 2013

The great transformation

The more I think about it, the more I believe we humans never really "Arrive".  The meaning of life is the journey we take, the constant molding and transforming of ourselves in the physical sense and in the spiritual sense.  Think about it!  How many times has your hairstyle changed?  Everything from our piercings/tattoos/hair/weight/plastic surgery ... is to make us FEEL something.  It's to express things we feel on the inside.  I certainly don't claim to know everything, or even CLOSE to everything, but I do feel it in my heart and soul that I am on the right path right now.  My mom can't really understand WHY California over Tennessee or Virginia.  I can't really explain it myself, just that I KNOW on a spiritual level that this is where I'm supposed to be right now in my life.  Maybe it was to bring our family in contact with Pastor Jimenez, I don't know!  All I DO know is we went 3 months with no jobs, all the time telling God that if he would just help us out, we'd find a church.  Well ... through a crazy round about way, we found a church and THEN the jobs came, BAM!  Me, then David in the space of a week.  Boggles my mind, still.

Sadly, David had to work today, but I feel moved to share this week's sermon.  I think it's one EVERYONE will be interested in:  Foolproof ways to have God answer your prayers.  What, did your ears perk up at that?  That's right, the Bible lays it all out in black and white HOW to have your prayers answered 100% of the time.  I have about 5 pages of notes, but I will paraphrase here:

First, you have to PRAY!  And I mean really connect and PRAY.  Second, you have to BELIEVE that your prayer can and will be answered.  If you pray with doubt in your heart, it will NOT happen.  Third, you have to pray in the NAME of Jesus.  By that, I mean you have to really truly connect and allow your heart to feel Him when you pray.  Fourth, you have to be asking for the right things.  Selfish, self serving prayers will go unanswered.  You have to pray within the wants of God.  Fifth, you have to BANISH the sins on your heart.  It's not hard; confess them to God!  Let go of all the "secret" sins that you hold onto, for if you don't you'll never have your prayers answered.  Sixth, you should share your faults with a Godly and righteous person, then ask them to pray with you.  This doesn't necessarily have to be your pastor, it can be an acquaintance that has the gift of the Holy Spirit.  "Faults" doesn't mean confessing your sins as if to a priest.  Simply get off your chest the things that you feel are burdening you!  There is power in group prayer!  Seventh, you need to make sure your life is Christ centered.  You can't be a child of the World, practicing Wiccan magic and going out and getting stoned every night and expect to just pray to God and have your prayers answered.  You have to live your life as an example to others.  Eighth, you must be PERSISTENT in your prayer.  Don't ask just once.  You can't give up, you must ask God for what you want over and over again until he answers you.  And finally, make sure you're right with your spouse.  If you and your spouse are in a hostile/bad relationship God will not hear you.  You have to fix what is wrong between you and your SO so you can be on the right track in your prayer life.

Like I said, serious paraphrase, but y'all get the general idea :)  For every single one of these points, there are 2 or 3 Bible verses backing them up.  It's so amazing the way Pastor Jimenez brings the Bible to light.  I went to Lifeway Christian store yesterday and finally bought a KJV bible.  I've had a NKJV for the past 20 years, and had no idea how it has subtly changed key words and phrases to have a TOTALLY different meaning than the "regular" KJV.  Like I said, I believe God has brought us to where we are right now for many different reasons, but the primary one is the spiritual growth we are experiencing.  Kody and I went alone today; that is the FIRST time I have EVER gone to church sans the hubby.  Makes me feel good!

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