Wednesday, April 27, 2016

1/2 way through my maternity leave

I KNEW the time would fly by, and boy has it.  Can't believe Peanut will be a month old on Friday.  Still trying to find our rhythm, infants aren't the most consistent of creatures.  We're going through something that I will blog about at a later date once it's more resolved, and I think that is contributing to errant fussiness and a LACK of sleep anywhere not on a human body.  Obviously, 4 weeks old is too young to "sleep train", but we have to start trying to get him to understand crib=sleep, NOT crib=cry.  On average, I get literally 2-2 1/2 hours at night of him in his crib, the rest of the time is ON my chest, not just in our bed.

Today so far has been a win; had some fussiness this morning that took awhile to snap him out of, but after a nice nap, he took a full 4 oz bottle, then I tossed him in his stroller for a walk around the duck pond.  This was the 3rd time we've ventured out, and I decided to push things and go twice around.  I'm definitely not recovered enough yet to do any type of jogging/heavy impact exercise at ALL (even yoga is pushing it), but it feels SO GOOD to get out and go for a walk.  I took the dogs for a walk around the duck pond around week 32, and it was torture.  Now, all my pregnancy pain is gone, and it just feels amazing to get out in the warm sun/cool air and get moving a bit.  We did have to stop about 1/2 way around the 2nd time to get out of the stroller and bounce the crying out, but I loaded him back in and he was perfect until we arrived home.

Put him straight into his crib, as he actually was awake the entire walk, and he started to cry after 30 seconds on his back.  Flipped him to his stomach, and he's been "out" for about an hour now.  WIN!!!

My FIL arrives today to be Colton's "nanny".:)  We were stressing big time about throwing an 8 week old infant into day care, and my FIL offered to fly out from GA to stay w/ us until July so we can really take our time and figure out what childcare situation works best for us.  AND let Peanut get a little older before we leave him with someone else that's not family.  SO blessed and grateful.

My sister finally got to come out and visit us and it was FANTASTIC!  I've really missed her, and it was huge having someone w/ 2 young kids 'refresh' me on some of the, ahem, modern ways of caring for an infant.;)  It was so good to get to lay eyes on my family, I've really missed seeing them.  My good friend from GA that now lives in NY came out on Monday and got to spend time with us as well; it has been so NICE to connect with people and not feel so damn isolated.  Being a new mama is hard, I'm SO grateful for my fantastic hubby that has been my rock and an amazing dad.  Sad that I only have 4 weeks left before going back to work, but grateful for the time I've had at the same time.

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