Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Back at the fitness routine

Why is it that good habits are three times more difficult to stay with?  And the bad ones are SO easy to fall back into??  I went to go for a run a few days ago, and my Nike app told me it had been 9 weeks since I'd run.  9 WEEKS???  Really?  I guess that's the truth!  I vaguely remember some sort of horse related injury that precluded me from running before we left, and in moving our stuff from the house to the van, I literally dropped my bed on my foot and cut open my foot right below my big toe, so I haven't been able to run since we got here to Cali.  Now, it's finally all healed up and I'm READY to get back at it.  Set myself up for success and shot for just a 2 mile run around the scenic little pond across the street from our complex.  Wow ... I was SORE!  My abs, back, thighs, and calves all ached:)  I was glad for that!  The following day, I swam laps in the pool.  Wow ... I felt like I was drowning, lol!  I honestly can't even RECALL when I would have last swum laps.  Maybe when I was like, 10?  It was harder than I thought it would be!  One little trip to the other side of the pool, and I was huffing and puffing.  Goes to show that even if you can run 2 miles and not be breathing hard, that does NOT mean you're fit to swim.  I struggled through 9 more laps, my butt sinking in the water lower and lower each time, but I DID it :)

Next evening about 9ish, I went for another run.  It was actually really hard to run endless laps around the tiny pond the other day, so I hit the sidewalks and ran up the road.  I LOVED my road run, it felt great.  I ran a little bit on the slow side because I was still sore and achy from my first one, but the last 1/4 mile or so, I kicked it up and really ran ON.  Not nearly as much soreness from that one.  Then last night, I hit the laps again, this time doing 12 laps instead of 10.  I "walked off" the length of the pool, and found it to be approximately 14 yards long, so 10 laps I did 140 yards.  Not too terrible, I suppose.  I felt SO much better with the swimming last night, I really concentrated on taking slow, measured strokes, and breathing every 4 strokes or so.  My butt didn't sink;)

I plan to squeeze in a run tonight.  So You Think You Can Dance comes on tonight at 8, so I need to run in between dinner and that.  Or maybe even soon, in the next hour or so.  The air is still so nice and cool, but when that sun comes out it will fry you.  Planning to add on another 1/2 mile and do 2 1/2 miles today.  I'd like to get to running 3 miles 3-4x per week, and alternating that with swimming 2-300 yards per time.  Do that until it feels "easy" (does exercise EVER really feel EASY?) and then kick it up a little.  Sacramento has this awesome road track called the "American River Trail" that's paved, and for walkers/bikers that goes from Sac all the way to Folsom.  I plan to do my biking there once I save up and get a bike.  Spending money on a bike right now isn't a priority, since I have 2 other phases I can focus on for the time being.

Now, I have to get back to eating clean.  Le sigh ...

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear that the move went well, your road trip across country sounds mental - I bet the pictures will be great to look back on later. I'm delighted to hear that Piney made the trip too! :D
    Good on you getting back into your fitness regime and getting out to hit the pavement. I'm sure that'll help to help to better learn your way around.
    Keep up the great work - you are such an inspiration!
