Friday, June 17, 2016

Just push Play

The road to Cache Creek Casino, where I got a "staff appreciation" massage!
"Just push play".  It seems simple.  This is Shaun T's favorite phrase, and MAN is it obvious!  That man was in good shape when he put out the Insanity videos, but now?  Wow, he looks amazing!  I have NOT been able to bring myself to push play on my videos, but I FINALLY pushed play on Cto5K.  I did it 4 years ago, I can do it again!  I haven't been able to run since I was about 4 months pregnant.  I slowly dropped down to walking 3 miles, to 2 miles, to 1 mile, to barely able to walk from my car to my living room.  I've successfully completed day 2 of 3, and I have 3 more days to do that 1!

Woo Hoo, an uninterrupted meal!

I set out Monday night at 10:30.  I pulled on my too tight reflective shirt, and laced on my NOT running shoes (David accidentally packed my running shoes), and I pushed play.  Cto5K in a sense is easier this time because "there's an app for that!".  Before, I had to watch my watch :D  But I think being on 100% level ground is actually harder to maintain a consistent pace.  My body felt awkward and fat as I ran at the 'beep', but I pushed and I did it.This unfamiliar shape will slowly wear down to what it used to be, I'm determined to make it happen!  (again)

Sweet, happy boy

Food is my enemy.  My sister is doing a BANG UP job of eating "clean".  I read some of her recipes that call for stevia extract and xylitol and xanthen gum and just get a little overwhelmed so I drink a glass of wine and eat a bowl of icecream.  Kidding a little bit, but I KNOW I have to change things.  Motivation, I'll find it somewhere!

Summer nights

Ok, since all proper notices have been given now, I can finally share my big news!  We are moving back east!  Through a series of events, we will be relocating to Maryville, TN on July the 11th or 12th.  We have an adorable 3BR house with a HUGE fenced in back yard waiting on us :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D  So excited for Mav to finally have his own space, now it's time to figure out how I want to decorate his room and what color scheme to use!

Good sleeper

Yes, I am going to miss CA and the west coast in general terribly.  This state is so dang beautiful and has SO much to offer, but it also is a crappy place to raise a child in my opinion. The school systems suck, the child care sucks, the traffic sucks, and the taxes suck.  Plus, SO many people are just stuck up and self entitled, it's ridonkulous.  I am genuinely going to miss my work peeps and my amazing trainer out here; it's hard for me to make friends, and I'm so grateful for the ones I have.  Making new ones is terrifying, but by moving to within 3 hours of our home town, I can see some of my "old" friends again.  Super excited to go to my favorite hairdresser again too, lol!  My sweet boss said that if I ever find myself back in CA, I have a job here and that means SO much to me coming from her.  She's a tough cookie!  I fought like hell for that job, and it's gratifying to know I'm appreciated.

Do you know they don't make disposable swim diapers that fit an 11 week old?

Our new road trips will be exploring our new home state (can you believe we've never even been to MEMPHIS?) and branching out to KY and WV.  We will 100% fly back out west for epic vacations, but to Oregon/Washington/Idaho/Colorado/Utah before we hit Cali or Nevada again.

Fresh, clean baby!

Speaking of Mav, he's doing great!  We're "breaking protocol" just a teeny tiny bit by giving him 3 hours boot/bar free, but so far so good.  He just smiles this HUGE, adorable gummy smile when he gets his "naked legs" for the day.  His reflux seems to be a little better (no meds, but trying to sit him up a LOT), and he's super strong.  The ped said his tummy time strength is equivalent to a 4 month old.  He's always a little grumpy when I get home, but that's the 'witching hour' time anyway.  He's better in his car seat and actually let us eat an entire meal out last weekend without one of us holding him, literally a FIRST!  He's sleeping GREAT, from around 10/11 to anywhere from 5:30 to 7ish.  I'll take it!  Love that boy, he's such a blessing.  Thank you ALL for your prayers and well wishes, I genuinely believed they've helped.  Thanks for reading, and see (some of) y'all soon!! <3


  1. I love Maryville! My mom lives in Pigeon Forge, and Maryville is our Chick Fila/Starbuck's stop on the way. It's beautiful there. Such a sweet college town. I'm so excited for you!

    1. There's some awesome hiking nearby too! I'm sure there's climbing around as well😄 And that's so cool that your mom loves in Pigeon Forge, we've visited SO many times!
