Sunday, January 20, 2013

Finding my "happy place"

I have a LOT to be thankful.  I'm down 45 (YAY!) pounds now, I have a wonderful and supportive husband, and I have the best 10 year old in the world!  After 29 years of horseless-ness, I finally have my own horse.  I have a roof over my head, gas in my vehicles, and a warm comfortable bed to sleep in at night.  I haven't done any "resolution" type posts because I just think that's a little silly.  I do vow to live my life differently this year, though.  It's been roughly 13 years of The Same Old, Same Old.  It's certainly not a marriage rut, it's a 'real life' rut I think.

I am REALLY evaluating my life and my goals.  I don't feel that I have any kind of a career; in fact, in almost 10 years I feel as though I've slid backwards and not moved forward AT ALL with my position.  That's a little bit depressing.  I lost a really good and long friendship; she said some things to me that have fundamentally wounded me to the very depths of my soul.  As for the rest of my friendships, I don't feel like I have any.  How is it I'm a month away from being 34 years old, and I don't have one single person in my life I can truly call an honest to goodness BEST FRIEND (outside of my husband)?  I have some friendships on the table, but not a single female I can call a best friend.  I always had one as a kid.  I'm still friends with her now, but we've grown apart as people tend to do.  I guess it's this paragraph that has had me feeling a little bit debbie downer.  But ... as of NOW, I release this shi+!  Because that's all it is; shi+.

I am going to learn how to PRAY, for REAL.  I am going to embrace my husband for what he is; my other half.  My confidant, my buddy, my cheerleader, and my BEST FRIEND.  We are going on an adventure this year ... an incredible, life changing, mind blowing adventure.  It is literally going to change the course of our lives; I can't WAIT!  It's time to become the person I've always meant to be; the person I know I'm capable of being.  I've started the process by ACTUALLY losing the weight I needed to instead of sitting around WISHING I could lose the weight.  This is literally the smallest I've been since I was 17.  Yay me!

Y'all just watch ... this is going to be a really exciting year:)

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