Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Just gotta push through!

Ooops!  Losing my britches!

I tell ya ... day 3 is KILLER for me!  My entire body just aches like a tooth.  My calves are so sore I can barely move; the muscles around my rib cage scream at every movement, and even my NECK muscles are feeling the burn.  Feels great;)  It's *only* day 3, and already I feel stronger and better than I did.  I've been putting my calorie info into Spark People again, to track things, and I'm right where I need to be.

Going to attempt to lose 15 more lbs before June.  We will be heading out to the west coast then, and to be under 140 ... wow.  I can't even really fathom it.  I'd like to be able to rock a nice bikini while walking along the Pacific Ocean:)  It's all about the dedication!  Got up at 5 am to fit in my workout today, and I hit it hard!  Tomorrow is recovery day, which is not a hardship to do at all.  Friday and Sat will suck, not gonna lie, but Sunday will be a day off.  Well, sort of.  Sunday is my IEA team's Region finals, and also my 34th birthday.  So, while I will have a day off the Insanity, I will still be working hard.  At least the temps are supposed to be low to mid 60's, which I LOVE:)  If you're trying to find motivation to start a lifestyle change, work out more, eat better, or just get off the couch PERIOD ... just DO it!  The only one stopping you is YOU, no more excuses!  I don't care if you're moving, on your period, got a hang nail, having a bad hair day, or working a little later than normal ... to quote Shaun T ... "YOU CAN FRICKIN' DO IT!"

Happy day to you all!

Seriously...once upon a time, these capris were so tight they squeezed out fat rolls.


  1. You go girl! You have inspired me to get into shape again as well!

  2. Just discovered your blog the other day, I nosied over from L Williams' Viva Carlos blog.
    You are an inspiration!
    Having read every post since day one, I love your writing style and honesty. You may have even inspired my lazy backside into investigating into the Couch 2 5K!
    You made the training etc sound fun and challenging - just what might be needed to overcome the winter blues!
    THANK YOU & Keep on keeping on (love that piece of advice!)

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words! It's people like you that stumble across the blog, and for my friends that have actually seen my transformation in person and get inspired that make me want to do this. I LOVED couch to 5K! Even though in my teens I was a horseback rider and a ballet dancer, I never had excellent cardio fitness. Anaerobic, yes. Running? Heck no! Cto5K (and Insanity) have turned me into an actual runner! Never thought the day would come;)
