Monday, September 30, 2013

How to keep your shoes from sliding up and down!

So, do your sneakers ever rub up and down on your heel?  Even though you're pretty sure the size is just right, still, you get that annoying heel slippage.  That has been my problem with every single pair of sneakers I've ever owned (dress shoes too, but I don't know what the solution is for dress shoes!).

Enter:  Fleet Feet running store.  I was frustrated enough with wasting money on running shoes that didn't work to finally give in and get "professionally" fitted at a runner's store.  Yes, the shoes cost me $110.  BUT!  It's 148% worth it to finally have shoes that fit my foot correctly, and to have learned a nifty little trick called a "runner's knot".  The way I move, only my right shoe generally slips up and down.  Why?  I have no idea!  But ever since I learned how to tie my shoes this way, I have had NO heel slippage and hence, no 'hot spots'!  Here's how to do it:

1.  Make sure your shoes are laced all the way to the 2nd to last hole.  You will then thread your lace back through the last eyelet like so:

2.  Pull the lace so that you've made a small loop, then go ahead and put your shoe on.

3.  Next, thread right over to the left loop, left over to the right loop.  Make sure to thread through the loop.

4.  Now, this is the most important step; tighten the laces down and out, NOT up towards the center.  If you pull up towards the center, you will tighten the shoe across your instep, which is NOT what you want.  When you pull the laces OUT to the side, you will literally feel the shoe snug up towards your heel.

5.  Finally, tie your shoes like normal!

This way of tying my shoes has saved my feet.  I no longer have any heel slippage, causing blisters or hot spots.  Also, my toes don't go numb because my shoes are the correct size, not a size too small because they're slipping all over the place!  My heel is pretty narrow:

But my foot is wide:

Hence ... I have a hard time finding shoes that fit!  Hopefully, this post will help you learn the "runner's knot" that has saved my feet!

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