Thursday, September 12, 2013

Really. There's just not that much going on.

Kody and I on the hike down Mt. Lassen to the steam vents.  SO COOL!

Mt. Lassen

Sorry the blog has been a little on the quiet side.  On the up side, I've gotten in LOTS of TV watching with the hubs.  We watched 3 seasons of Suits, finished up the current season of Game of Thrones, watched the entire House of Cards series, and have blown through the first 3 seasons of Breaking Bad (currently working on season 4).  I buzz around the apartment, washing sheets, washing and putting clothes away, cleaning bathrooms, cleaning the kitchen, and vacuuming.  Oh the lavish life of the unemployed!

Sigh.  Out of sheer desperation, I'm driving out to Roseville tomorrow to walk through a barn and speak with the owner about "teaching some english lessons".  He barely charges for the lessons; $25 a pop so I don't really expect much to come of this.  I can't work for free, or work to break even.  I save a TON of money by sitting here on the couch; it's amazing how much money we're NOT spending, but by taking on a job, all of a sudden you're paying for gas again, so it's got to be worth it.

I've come to value my morning runs because it's really the only time I get out of the house.  I know David is dying of boredom too and it sucks for him because he doesn't run, and doesn't even like to walk so it's not like we can go find a trail to hike together or something.  Kody doesn't mind, he's a total homebody.  In fact, he gets grumpy if "forced" to be gone all weekend long, lol!

In a teeny modicum of good news, I had an "interview" yesterday for a job, and David had an actual interview today.  Of course neither of us will find anything out until next week, but it's something right?  I've gotten to where I HATE taking those personality assessments.  I totally second guess everything and try to infer exactly what type of answers the company is looking for.  We all know I'm an introvert, but I DO give excellent customer service and have no problems speaking to a crowd ... so I find it hard to pick answers that are truthful, but also that don't portray me as a shy wall flower.  Oh well, just trying to keep the faith, and know I am doing EVERYTHING in my power to get hired.  When it's the right time God will move and make it happen, but until then, it's JUST as bad as sitting around waiting on Tiki to sell.

Sorry, not wanting to vent.  Just wanted to update.  I've always sworn to post the bad with the good, and right now it's not that great.  The good is we still have NO doubts about our decision to move.  We KNOW we will be ok, God will make sure of that.  We would NOT have gotten all the way here if it wasn't part of the Plan.  I'm so happy and grateful to be here, sitting on my couch here in beautiful, sunny CA:)  Will be heading to the pool in about 20 minutes, SO GRATEFUL for that little detail:)  I'm thankful to be able to be with my boys and spend lots of quality time with them.  I was so exhausted back in GA, driving upwards of 2 1/2 hours 5+ days a week, dealing with IEA shows, busting my tail 5 days a week for a horse I didn't even want to ride any more because I was so exhausted ...dealing with the stress of business falling off in my lesson program ... it wasn't good.  David was so unhappy in his job, things just were NOT great.  I feel like this unemployment gap has given us the time to decompress and rest up; now it's time to get back to it!  I think we as human beings like to be productive, and sitting on the couch watching TV is not productive for anything.  Hoping like heck our prayers are answered soon and we get the money ball rolling.  Thanks for reading, any and all prayers are appreciated :):D

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