Saturday, December 1, 2012

Continued ...

Alrighty.  I want to make sure my thoughts stay organized and not scattered.  Here's ... the REST of the story ...

So, this ex friend posts on facebook that she's selling 2 pairs of riding pants that are a brand name of a big horse retail company.  I'd been wanting to try them, so since I thought the size might be right, I purchased them from her for her full asking price.  Now here's the beginning of her issue with me; I should have consulted with her before doing anything with these pants.  Huh?  Why is it I'm supposed to consult her on ANYTHING having to do with these pants?  They don't belong to her anymore!  Do we all agree here?  Ok, good, moving on.

I eagerly try them on and they're WAY too tight in the leg.  Best as I can tell, they fit my butt and waist, but the leg, both calf and thigh are WAY too tight.  I stuff them in a drawer for now because I've been in the process of losing weight and hoped they would fit at a later date.  2 months go by, I pull them out again, and STILL ... the legs just DON'T fit.  The waist is actually LOOSE, but the leg seams were screaming so I toss them back in the drawer feeling befuddled.  At this stage of the game, I do some research on these pants, and my issue is a common one.  In fact, people were riding in the pants, not liking them, and the company was actually taking them back and exchanging them.  It's a great company, they actually care about their customers.

Now, here's where I'm lacking in my moral fiber, I'm someone who tries to "beat the system", and I'm basically the biggest loser on the planet.  I had the gall to CALL the company.  I TOLD them the pants were gently used, I bought them off a friend, I really LIKED the pants and would like to try the next size up.  I told them I completely understood if they couldn't take them back, but I figured the worse they would say is "no".  Well, they said sure, send them back.  I was honest, upfront, and 100% forthcoming about how it came to be that I was in possession of these pants.  I was polite, professional, and seriously doubted they could do anything.  Well, I was shocked and happy when they said sure, send them back.  So I did, they sent me the next size up, and those were just crazy big.  Ridiculous looking.  I called the company ONE more time, told them the dilemma, the sales person said no problem that particular brand of breeches was a bit of a "hard fit" and maybe I needed to try another brand?  So I said could I try this other brand x? And they said sure, then sent them right out.  End of the story is I have a pair of pants that fit perfectly, and I'm crazy happy with the customer service of a "big" company that actually cares about the little people.  I will definitely make future purchases from this company, some of them $$ (we are talking horses here!).

Where I made my mistake, was what I did next.  I was tired of reading all the negative nellie threads on previously mentioned big horse board, so I posted the Cliff's Notes version of how this big horse company took care of me, and how happy I was, and kudos to them, they have yet another customer for life.

So, judge for yourselves!!!  Am I lacking in moral fiber?  Am I an opportunist?  Am I a bad friend for not telling my ex friend what I intended to do with MY pants?  She feels as though I took advantage of her.  How?  HOW did I take advantage of her?  Where in this story does ANYONE see me taking advantage of her?  I don't see it, I really don't.  Supposedly, I blindsided her by A. calling the company in the first place, and B. proceeding to brag about it on horse board.

Story to be continued, I'm sure your ADD has kicked in by now.  This is a LONG story:(

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