Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 1

Well, today is the second day of the rest of my life!  Sadly, I have been in a bit of a foul mood all day.  We have just recently changed churches, and today I really felt like I just don't like it:(  I was not in "the Spirit" at ALL.  The people there just feel SO fake, and the preacher's wife is a "cast member" of a new reality show called "Preacher's Wives".  They were filming today, and everything just felt off to me.  Even the pastor, which I actually happen to really like was preaching on the same thing as last week, and it just fell flat in my opinion.

Yesterday, I did GREAT food-wise.  I entered everything in, and I was WAY up on my number of negative calories.  I re-started (for the third time) "Couch to 5K", but I doubled the recommended amount and today I'm paying for it big time.  The program for week one advocates run for 60 seconds, walk for 90 for 20 minutes.  That puts me at exactly one mile, distance wise.  Soooo, I did run for 60, walk for 90 for TWO miles, which put me at 40 minutes.  I've been nursing a rolled/popped ankle.  I have no idea if it was an actual sprain or not, but it swelled up pretty big and has been puffy during the interim.  I did it the end of May.  Today that's aching as well as my back, ugh.  I have a sinking suspicion my back pain is disc related, but I just haven't had the $$ to go see my chiro.  After today, I WILL be making an appt because 800 mg of ibuprofen hasn't touched it.

I had Taco Bell for lunch and consumed more calories than yesterday, but  big milestone for me is I actually got a diet soda with it.  Also, NO fast food for me for a week.  I'm allowing myself one ff meal a week, but I really am trying to ditch ANY sugary drink; sodas, or my beloved sweet tea.  I have frozen grilled chicken breasts for dinner, and those are a mere 110 calories per breast.  I will do those, green beans, and some noodles, but I will go super light on the noodles.  I am working really HARD to consume 2 of these per day:
I managed 2 1/2 yesterday, but I also was working/running so it was easy.  Today, it's ALL in the AC, so it will be tougher, but I'm about half way through my first one.
OK.  Here is my vulnerability/accountability.  I have gotten on the "diet" bandwagon more times than I can count.  I have been stuck at a street size 14 now for 10 years.  As a teen, I was a comfortable ss 8.  I will be "happy" as a 10 moving forward.  Every time I go back to my old ways (drinking sweet tea every day, consuming full sugar sodas, fast food 4 times a week, big restaurant sized dinner once or twice a week), I always justify it as "Well, I'm married with a kid.  Hubs isn't exactly skinny either and he thinks I'm sexy AS IS".  I'm about to post some pics.  And the first Sat of every month, I will post these SAME pics.  Either they will show a positive change, or they will show nothing, but I'm hoping by putting them out there, I will WAKE UP and quit making excuses.  A facebook friend of mine said the following:  There's always going to be someone out there sleepier than you and busier than you working out.  Now STOP making excuses and go work out!
Not so slender belly

Side view could be worse; at least my boobs are bigger than my belly!

Nice fat roll from the back

I have posted hundreds of "conformation" pics of my horse tracking his progress.  I hope by posting my own "conformation" photos, I can track my OWN progress as well!


  1. Jen... WAY TO GO! You are braver than I to post photos... which I think is amazing! I can talk about my size and how much I lost, but I am not as brave (and didn't think to either...) as you.

    I made a decision about 5 months ago to "change my way of life" when I hit a pant size I never believed I would! When I finally stepped on the scale, I verbally said.. "NO!" and walked off and changed. I have lost 18 lbs, and am about 5-6 lbs from my "Ideal" "perfect" wait... this also goes hand in hand with my ideal/perfect pant size! (I weigh about once a month).

    Basically... now, I put WAY more healthy things into my body and I no longer crave (well.. I do some things... and some times for sure!) all the unhealthy food for every meal. I eat "clean" foods and more vegetables and fruits! Let me know if you ever want to chat about it... I will follow your success here also! I know you can do it!

    P.S... a little tid bit on the water on days you are in the A/C... if you have the water at room temp or out of the faucet... it is easy to drink!

    Again.. WAY TO GO and MAKE A CHANGE! :-) It has taken me 5 months to even get CLOSE to my goal... it takes time... dont rush it (but you already know that ^ :-) ... and of course hard work and the ability to Say NO to bad... and YES to good! :-)


  2. Tyler,
    Thank you so much! Your comment inspired me to speak a little bit about WHY I had to do this. Blogging really helps me figure things out. It gives me a concrete way to put something out there, read it, then CHANGE. Or whatever I need to do. It's cheap therapy, lol! I will try the room temp water, it did have ice in it, and it was SO hard to drink so much of it when I hadn't sweated a drop all day:)
