Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hump day!

A strange thing is beginning to happen ... I'm actually starting to look forward to my runs!  Woo Hoo!!  I will enter my 5K tonight while I'm thinking about it; it is the Celebrate Freedom 5K on September 1st.  The all day long christian concert afterwards will be featuring 2 of my favorite artists; Jeremy Camp and Kutless so it's a no brainer to choose that as my first one!

The last 2 days I've "slipped" a little bit in the quality of my meals, but not the calorie count, really.  I had Arby's last night, which isn't bad in and of itself; I took one of the buns off my plain roast beef sandwhich and I had a DMD to drink with it, but I DID eat all of the medium fries and I had a fruit turnover.  Today I had a Lean Cuisine meal which is idiot proof, but rather than 180 calories worth of fruit, I had 140 calories worth of Oreos.  I blame summer camp.  I had LOST my sweet tooth craving completely; wasn't even TEMPTED at the store.  But then my kids made me some sweet treats, and even though I halved the treats, I still ate them which has re-awakened that sugar scream in my head.  Yesterday at Wal-Mart, starving, I was in total purgatory trying to avoid all my sweet/carb filled pit falls.  I did it, though!  Tonight will be pork chops marinated in Teriakyi sauce, as well as new potatoes and cooked carrots.  Water to drink, as per usual.  Will have to detox again, but I can do it.

Bought a new pair of riding pants not too long ago, and when I wore them, they were just a *smidge* tight on me; bought them straight off the rack, no trying them on.  Today when I put them on, they were so comfortable and even felt slightly loose.  It's these things that will cause me to PUSH THROUGH that sugar craving and keep going.  I feel really good, and want to feel even better.  Picture posting Saturday!
Me and hubby at Horseshoe Bend, AZ

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